Tuesday, January 3, 2012

The very FIRST hanging...

      It may not be known as an extraordinary event, but according to http://www.sharlot.org/archives/history/dayspast/controversies-surround-yavapai-countys-1875-first-hanging/the hanging of Manuel Abiles is the very first legal hanging of all time. This occured in 1875 around Yavapai County.  A man was getting married in April of 1875, during the time of the wedding, one of the guests had gotten drunk and was disturbing the wedding. When one of the other men tried to stop him, he threw a stone at his head trying to get him away. However, doing so had made him unconscious. The next day the groom had found the intoxicated man dead on the ground.
     Three men had identified Manuel Abiles, saying that the night before they had seen Manuel chasing the man from his own house. The county had pressed charges and had took him into custody. At this time, death row meant to be hanged, not how it is now with the injections.
     The court had ruled in the favor of the victim and had decided to sentence Manuel to death row. He had his one last meal and then was hung in the streets for all to see. Before he had died he had said that he was there for the murder but his friend was the one who did it. This did not matter because nothing was ever said about a friend. Manuel was to be the only one who chased anybody that night, and was the last one seen with the man. This was the very first and official hanging by law. 
     I feel bad for the intoxicated man. We all make mistakes but that doesn't mean we deserve to lose our lives over them. Otherwise we would all be dead. I do not agree with the death sentence. Prison, i feel, is punishment enough.
A random hanging to show what it is like.



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