Monday, January 9, 2012

Elizabeth Smart, A Survivor's Story...

      On June 5 of  2002, a 14 year girl, named Elizabeth Smart, was abducted from her bedroom by a man with a knife. The man's name is Brian Mitchell and his wife's name is Wanda Barzee.

Elizabeth Smart at age 14
     She was gone for nine months before anyone had ever found her. She was forced to walk the heels behind her house up to Mitchell's camp, where his wife was waiting. Barzee forced her to remove her pajamas and put on a robe. Then Mitchell had performed a marriage ceremony, according to . After that was all done, he had proceeded to rape her time and time again. Smart said that He was obsessed with this and would do it about four times a day, according to that same article.
     Mitchell had claimed to be a prophet of god and then he had claimed religious rights to everything that he was doing. In the earlier days of her kidnapping, she had to have her leg bolted to a tree or table so that she wouldn't escape. She was forced to consume drugs and alcohol to lessen her resistance of the sexual crimes.     
     He would show her pornography and tell her that this meant she had to be humble to him.
She said Mitchell once forced her to drink too much alcohol and she became sick. He made her lie face down in her vomit for the entire night so Smart would understand "the true state" she was in, she testified, according to
When he had broken into her room, he had held a knife to her throat and told her that if she did not go with him that he would kill her and her family. He had told her that he was taking her for ransom.
     Smart had said that Barzee had started to get jealous of the sexual contact between Mitchell and Smart and she had asked Mitchell if he could switch between them every other day. He had started to do that, although he would still sometimes rape Smart even if he wasn't scheduled with her that day. He was also singing hymns all the time during those days. She was rescued on March 12, 2003. Smart was found walking along the sides of the road with her abductors. Mitchell and Barzee have undergone many mental procedures after they were caught and arrested, however now they are facing up to life in prison for kidnapping and sexual abuse towards a minor.
      This story is just so sad to read. I had never heard of this young woman until today and i just can't help but want to just hug her and tell her how blessed her life is. Not to maIy people ever make it back from things like that but I am so happy that she survived. Just one thing i was thinking about, how long were they going to keep her???

Smarts Kidnapper, Brian Mitchell › US ›

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

The very FIRST hanging...

      It may not be known as an extraordinary event, but according to hanging of Manuel Abiles is the very first legal hanging of all time. This occured in 1875 around Yavapai County.  A man was getting married in April of 1875, during the time of the wedding, one of the guests had gotten drunk and was disturbing the wedding. When one of the other men tried to stop him, he threw a stone at his head trying to get him away. However, doing so had made him unconscious. The next day the groom had found the intoxicated man dead on the ground.
     Three men had identified Manuel Abiles, saying that the night before they had seen Manuel chasing the man from his own house. The county had pressed charges and had took him into custody. At this time, death row meant to be hanged, not how it is now with the injections.
     The court had ruled in the favor of the victim and had decided to sentence Manuel to death row. He had his one last meal and then was hung in the streets for all to see. Before he had died he had said that he was there for the murder but his friend was the one who did it. This did not matter because nothing was ever said about a friend. Manuel was to be the only one who chased anybody that night, and was the last one seen with the man. This was the very first and official hanging by law. 
     I feel bad for the intoxicated man. We all make mistakes but that doesn't mean we deserve to lose our lives over them. Otherwise we would all be dead. I do not agree with the death sentence. Prison, i feel, is punishment enough.
A random hanging to show what it is like.


Thursday, December 22, 2011

Who Was The Boy In The Box???

     It is such a hard crime to read about, a young child, lay dead in a box found in Philadelphia. How could someone do such a thing? In February of 1957, this unknown boy was found in a box along the side of an unpaved road. The boy appeared to be about 4 years old and his face was bruised and his hair was all chopped off. Still, to this day, not a single person has ever come forward with knowing who this young boy was. According to,, Over the years, the investigation has been taken on by both local and federal agencies that have dedicated thousands of man-hours pursuing dozens of promising leads, none of which has come to fruition. The investigation died and was reborn several times.

A 26 year old college student is the one who had found the box with the boy inside it, he had fund it when he snuck out one night to spy on some of the girls in a private dorm. Some investigators had tried their whole careers trying to figure out who this boy was and try and solve his heartless murder.
     Months later, the  police had decided to bury the child in the Potter Field Cemetery. This grave was the only grave in the whole place that had been marked with a tombstone. On the tombstone, it read " Heavenly Father, Bless This Unknown Boy". Some investigators spent over 35 years on this case, and they never got anywhere. However, that never stopped them from trying. Some had believed that the boy's death was accidental, and that the people didn't come forward because it was ruled as a homicide.
They had pictures of this boy everywhere and anywhere and no one had ever come forward and said anything about knowing the child. To this day the police thought they had so many leads but every single one of them turned out to just be a big bust. No one knew anything about this boy in a box. It has been like that since the day that he was found.

The Boy's Tombstone

    In my opinion, this is so sad. An innocent young child had his life taken away, and then was just thrown in a box and dumped along the street. "It takes all kinds of people to make up this world", that is something my grandmother always tells me, and i feel that this is very true. Especially when you are reading a sad story like this and just wish like crazy that you could just do one thing that would have put his parents at ease.

A Picture Of The Child

Sunday, December 4, 2011

John Allen Muhammad...The Trunk Snyper....

John Muhammad
This is a man that you could look into the eyes of and never be able to see right through. He was a man that made a snyper nest out of his trunk. In 2009, he was executed for the killing of ten people. As well as injuring three others. Born John Allen Williams on December 31, 1960, in Louisiana. John Allen Muhammad became an infamous figure American culture as part of a sniper team that terrorized the Washington, D.C. area for several weeks in October 2002. He was raised by an aunt in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, after his mother died when he was 4.
In October 2002, in D.C, he had decided to go in for the kill, literally. He actually was a divorcee, and in the miltaryy, after all that he converted himself to Islam. He had three children. He took off with his three children out of the country. Later the police came and took him and his children back into the U.S. and his ex-wife got the custody of the children. After all that happend John went mad and started trying to control other's while he lived among the different homeless shelters.
A skilled mechanic, Muhammad put his talents to evil use, making a sniper nest out of the trunk of his car. He and Malvo worked as team in the shooting with one man firing the rifle while the other watched the victims. They often targeted people doing simple, everyday tasks, such as pumping their gas or leaving a store. In total, they killed 10 people and injured three others in the D.C. area.
After several killings, Muhammad and Malvo began to taunt the police.
He had demanded ten million dollars in order to stop the shootings.
On October 24, more than 20 days after the rampage began, the authorities surrounded the vehicle in which Muhammad and Malvo. They were taken into custody and arrested. Since they committed their crimes in several states, the authorities had to decide where the pair should be tried first. Muhammad and Malvo had separate trials. In his defense, his lawyers pointed to Malvo as the sole triggerman. Still a 2003 jury for the murder of Dean Harold Meyers recommended that he be sentenced to death. And he was convicted on six counts of murder in another trial in Maryland in 2006. Malvo testified against Muhammad during this trial, saying that Muhammad had pulled the trigger on the first six shootings.

the snyper that was used

A Family, A Cult, A Secret Within...

 Have you ever heard of a cannibal? It is a human that consumes... another human. It is against the law of course, but this post is about a family. A family that was part of a cult, and not just any cult, it was a cannabalistic cult.
This is the Mauerova family, very disturbingly, they locked their eight year old son in the basement for a long period of time. He was tortured annd sexually abused over and over again. But even worse, he was partially skinned and consumed. They had made him eat some of his own raw flesh.
The horrific acts were finally revealed when a neighbour of the house, in Brno in the Czech Republic, installed an identical wireless video baby monitor to the one Klara Mauerova had installed so she could watch her children suffer from the comfort of the sitting room.
When the neighbour switched on his baby monitor shocking images of the boys naked, bound and gagged in their cellar appeared on the screen. The unnamed neighbour immediately informed the police and they broke down the door of the house to investigate.They chained up their nine year old son and he was forced to cut himself with a knife.
Klara Mauerova and her sister Katerina, and Barbora Skrlova were all members of a sinister religious cult called the Grail movement. They were caught and put in jail in 2007 -2008. The boys'were placed in special care and they were never reunited with their mother.

cannibal boy
mother after being arrested
I feel that this is extremely sad and disturbing. I feel so sorry for those two young boys'. i can't even begin to understand what their feelings and thoughts were while all that was going on. I hope so much that this doesn't have major effects on them as they get older.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The Lindbergh baby...still alive?

On March 1, 1932, from the home of aviator Charles Lindbergh and Anne Morrow Lindbergh, their baby went missing. The baby had curly blond hair and blue eyes.
Two months and 11 days later a truck driver discovered a baby's body in a shallow grave in a wooded area on the other side of Hopewell, within miles of the Lindbergh's East Amwell Township home.
The autopsy report couldn't identify the baby because of it being so decomposed. So therefore it couldn't help them. The parent's were asked to identify the baby, soon they did and right aways it was cremated. But was it really the Lindbergh baby? Many people have came up and said many times that they were the missing baby, Charles Lindbergh.
A German immigrant from New York City, Bruno Hauptmann, was convicted of the Lindbergh baby kidnapping and murder in Flemington in 1935, in a trial that drew worldwide attention. People still debate hotly the fairness of that "Trial of the Century" and the evidence introduced in it. Bruno Hauptmann was executed in New Jersey's electric chair in 1936.
After many years, everyone was sure that an innocent man was executed.
 To this day no one for sure knows if the baby is really alive or not. Some police investigators say that it's alive and some say that it isn't. However, they all seem to say that they can prove it.
the wanted sign for the baby
Is the baby really alive? What do you think? I feel that this is a very confusing story, and that i hope it all gets solved some day.

Irena many people a criminal, and to others, a hero ....

I never heard of this woman until not long ago. But what i have heard of her, she seems to be one amazing woman. I know that this is a blog about a crime, and this woman hasn't really committed a crime, however, it was a crime that she was trying to stop that makes her such a wonderful and amazing woman. So i figured that this was a great post anyways that needed to be heard.
Irena Sendler, otherwise known as Irena Sendlerowa, was a Polish Catholic social worker and served in the Polish Underground. She also worked for the Zegota resistance organization in the German Warsaw during World War ll. Irena had saved over 2,500 Jewish children by smuggling out of the Warsaw Ghetto.
She was born as Irena Kryzanowska in 1910. The poor children were tortured because of their race and if they were just different. They were raped, murdered and even tortured. All this happened to those poor innocent children. all because they weren't all the same. And finally, a brave woman decided to do whatever possible to try and save those poor children and give them a real chance to see what life can really be like.

File:Irena Sendlerowa 1942.jpg
  During the time of the second World War, people were still very harsh about how other's appeared. And this is a crime as well. You don't need a crime of murder or anything for it to be considered a crime. It is very sad but all we can ever do is try to help them in any way possible.
It was said back then that anyone who helped a Jewish person would be killed. Irena didn't care, she would risk her life a million times over again to rescue those children, and that is exactly what she did. The children were placed in convents, polish homes or anywhere that she knew that they would be safe. The children were assured that when the war was over, they would be reunited with their Jewish families.
She and her co-workers buried lists of the hidden children in jars in order to keep track of their original and new identities.

Sendler was arrested in 1943, she was severely tortured and she was put on death row. She was rescued and she stayed in hiding until the end of the war. I feel that this is all a crime. She was going to be killed for saving children. She had risked her life so many times to give other's theirs.